Cities, Campuses & Airports

Reimagine Your Digital Estates
Gain the visibility and insight needed to improve decision-making and business outcomes.

Make Data Accessible And Actionable

Connect physical and virtual worlds to better plan, design, construct, and operate digital estates.

Connect, Combine, And Manage Enterprise Data

Link, merge, and oversee data from various sources, formats, scales, or complexities—including point clouds, reality and BIM models, and operational data from business systems and IoT-connected devices. Offer real-time spatial insight for assets, developments, and projects, enabling digital workflows for different stakeholders.

Digitize Workflows

Visually immerse teams through a single, spatial view of operational assets, proposed developments, and active projects. Explore relationships between real-world objects, monitor progress on projects, minimize the time that personnel spend in dangerous or hostile locations through remote inspections, and/or optimize operational scenarios without impacting on the performance of in-service assets.

Gain Insight And Improve Decisions

Inspect, analyze, and report on multidiscipline data across the lifetime of assets. Save teams and stakeholders the time and effort finding and validating information, gaining the visibility and insight needed to improve their planning, design, delivery, and operational performance decisions.

Reimagine Cities With Digital Twins

Collaborate with asset and building owners, government agencies, developers, and members of the public. Efficiently plan and visualize at city or district scale; optimize transportation and pedestrian mobility; develop resilience strategies; manage public works projects; and support a better quality of life for citizens.


Digitally Advance Cities, Districts, And Regions

Unify and integrate data regardless of source, format, or complexity. Start with data that you already own, adding more as demand or capacity dictates—including geospatial data, reality models, and 2D and 3D CAD and BIM information, as well as big data from IoT-connected devices.

Collaborate And Effectively Gather Feedback

Collaborate with asset and building owners, government agencies, developers, and members of the public. Conduct global or local project overviews with teams and stakeholders—publishing to the web, mobile devices, or desktops to capture comments and feedback that inform decision-making.

Improve Decisions And Outcomes

Improve communication, engagement, and decisions for city planning, urban development, and city operations. Create and use smart dashboards and project portals; integrate live information from IoT-connected sensors, feeding data into 3D maps or project views; and view attributes and metadata within objects and components.


Digitize Corporate And Educational Campuses

Collaborate with campus stakeholders, government agencies, developers, and the public. Efficiently plan and visualize at campus-scale; optimize crowd and transportation mobility; develop resilience strategies; manage civil works projects; and support a better on-campus experience.

Bridge Data Silos

Create a living digital twin from existing engineering, spatial, and enterprise data, including CAD, BIM, and reality models, geospatial information, and operational data from IoT-connected devices.

Improve Data Visibility

Create, visualize, and analyze different planning and operational scenarios through a 3D digital twin, increasing visibility and providing the insight needed to optimize decisions.

Create Smarter Spaces

Reconsider traditional approaches to urban planning, use of space, and mobility, modeling and simulating the relationships between people, places, buildings, and devices.

Airports and Ports

Enabling The Airports And Ports Of Tomorrow With Digital Twins

Work smarter to optimize safety, sustainability, and the resilience of assets and related services to overcome the many challenges, including changing demand, different operating conditions, and higher costs. Get the visibility and insight that every stakeholder needs to make the airports and ports of tomorrow more sustainable, cost-effective, and accessible.

Digitize Workflows

Connect, combine, and manage enterprise data and systems regardless of source, format, scale, or complexity—including 2D drawings, BIM and GIS information, reality models, and big data, enabling digital workflows to increase access, build trust, and maximize value.

Gain Insight

Visually immerse teams through a single, in-context view of operational assets, proposed developments, and active projects—leveraging intuitive web-based tools, game-like navigation, and persona-based views, to streamline collaboration and communication.

Improve Decisions

Inspect, analyze, and report on multidiscipline data across the asset lifecycle of your facility, enabling users to save time and effort finding and validating information they can trust and—with the insight gained—improve the decisions that enable better business outcomes.