Water Utilities

Future-Proof Water Infrastructure
Confidently plan, design, build, operate, and maintain smart and resilient water and wastewater systems.

Advance Digitally To Support Water System Modernization

Get visibility to the right data, faster and with pinpoint accuracy. Let the system wade through the data so you can focus on what’s important. Situational context and insights for evidence-driven decisions that make your vital water infrastructure smarter and more resilient, so you can do more with less and better and confidently serve your stakeholders and help make the planet a better place to thrive.

Positive Impact On Water Scarcity

Water is life. Yet so many struggle for clean and affordable water or worry about the effect of droughts and the taps turning off. Plan and design smarter and more resilient water systems faster than ever before, and with complete transparency with all stakeholders. Then optimize the operation and maintenance with powerful AI, analytics, modeling, and simulation for fast and accurate answers when you need them.

Emergency Preparedness And Resilience

Prepare with contingency plans, real-time data, and modeling to mitigate climate event impacts. Assess and forecast flood risk, implement safety programs, and monitor assets for water resources and infrastructure.

Optimizing The Business Of Water

From reducing non-revenue water losses to preventing service interruptions and optimizing pump efficiency toward net zero goals, lead your team through the digital transformation. Utilities and engineering consultants can modernize processes and practices in water, wastewater, and stormwater system planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance.


Water Distribution

Understanding how water infrastructure behaves as a system is important. Easy-to-use decision support puts knowledge at your fingertips to plan for climate change, population growth, operational strategies, and contingency plans.

Water System Planning & Design

Utilities, governments, and engineering firms around the world trust Bentley’s hydraulic and hydrology software to create master plans, support land development projects, design distribution networks faster and with precision, and design and optimize water system expansions. Advanced interoperability, scenario management, and hydraulic simulation and model management are favorites for engineers managing infrastructure with high complexity in a changing environment.

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows WaterGEMS
  • OpenFlows HAMMER
  • MicroStation
  • ProjectWise

Capital Planning

For risk-based pipe renewal decisions, you need proof that assets are highest risk and need to be prioritized for replacement. You need evidence that lower priority assets are safe and reliable. Make the best capital planning decisions by first assessing risk scenarios, and calculating likelihood and consequence of failure. Justify your decisions with the evidence based on current data so you can optimize plans and confidently communicate results with stakeholders.

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows WaterGEMS
  • OpenFlows WaterSight
  • MicroStation

Water System Operational Monitoring

Analyze, simulate, and predict current system conditions and performance. The digital twin of your distribution network and pumping stations helps you to reduce service interruptions, reduce non-revenue water losses, ensure regulatory compliance, and mitigate risks. Get control of your data to make better decisions faster within a connected data environment.

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows iTwin Experience
  • OpenFlows WaterGEMS


Wastewater And Stormwater Collection

Healthy communities, safe and efficient sanitation, reduced energy use, and net-zero carbon emissions. Our stormwater systems are designed to handle intense rainfall and severe weather conditions. Today’s thinking is supported by leading software.

Sewer Network Engineering - Planning & Design

Reduce risks and comply with regulations. Plan, analyze, and design – in 2D or 3D- wastewater and combined sewer systems with hydraulic and hydrology engineering. Get comprehensive scenario and model management, and optimized calibration. Improve capacity and limit sewer overflows. Analyze complex stormwater systems and model effects of rainfall, runoff, gravity, pressure, inlet capture and bypass, ponds, outlet structures, open channels, and culverts. Anything that impacts the sewer system can impact the health of your community. Don’t settle for anything less than the best.

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows SewerGEMS
  • OpenSite Designer
  • OpenFlows HAMMER
  • MicroStation
  • ProjectWise

Sewer Network Operation

Get the complete picture to make fast and accurate decisions. Integrate plant, lift station and hydraulic models, engineering and geospatial data with real-time SCADA. With more instrumentation and IoT sensors, you need to transform your business to operate intelligently and maintain the essential wastewater services of your community. It’s time to create a digital twin of your wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. We can help.

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows SewerGEMS

Flood Risk Assessment & Mitigation

Simulate flooding in areas due to storm surge, excessive rainfall, infiltration, surface runoff, channel flow, and groundwater flow. Mitigate flood risks in urban, river and coastal areas. Calculate river flow, as well as the extent of flooding, and estimate the flood hazard. Used by the best and now, it’s your turn. 

Recommended Software

  • OpenFlows FLOOD

Treatment Plants

Water And Wastewater Treatment Plants

Deliver minimal (to zero) energy footprint, zero emissions, 100% water recycling (zero water usage). Today’s best-in-class treatment facilities are at the forefront of environmental impact design.

Interdisciplinary Planning, Design, & Project Delivery

Reduce the time and cost required to design your next water or wastewater treatment plant, leveraging collaborative design and BIM. Increase speed and flexibility with an environment that supports project teams working together online or independently offline. Get a 3D design for piping, HVAC, and mechanical and electrical equipment, with automatic clash detection, version comparison, and issue resolution.

Recommended Software

  • OpenPlant
  • PlantSight
  • OpenBuildings
  • iTwin Capture
  • ProjectWise
  • MicroStation

Operational Intelligence

For improved plant performance, energy efficiency, chemical management, and risk analysis, today, you need operational intelligence. Connect your physical assets to the virtual ones to achieve better operations decisions with advanced analytics, machine learning, simulation, and modeling. Deliver the highest possible performance at the lowest cost.

Recommended Software

  • PlantSight
  • AssetWise 4D Analytics
  • AssetWise ALIM



Keeping dams safe means protecting society and the environment. Identify early signs of changing behaviors that can compromise structural integrity. Monitor ground, channel, and surface water flows, and detect structural anomalies prior to impact on performance. All this reduces risks and increases safety.

Dam Monitoring

Aging structures, extreme rainfall events, and seismic activity, can wreak havoc with water resource and utility operations, leaving agencies vulnerable to water supply disruption or worse. Automated dam safety management programs provide state-of-the-art IoT monitoring and operational intelligence for real-time insights and risk mitigation for your portfolio of dams. Visit our Dam Monitoring Page.

Recommended Software

  • iTwin IoT
  • iTwin Capture
  • iTwin Experience

Dam Structures Planning And Design

Today’s complex dam infrastructure requires interdisciplinary collaboration amongst engineering teams across the entire project lifecycle. This integration and information management is enabled through building information modeling (BIM). And visualization helps engineers to explore design alternatives with ease.

Recommended Software

  • MicroStation
  • LumenRT
  • OpenBuildings
  • OpenRoads
  • ProjectWise

Finite Element Analysis

Stress analysis to assure that dam infrastructures are safe can be done accurately and quickly with finite element analysis programs. Engineers use it to perform comprehensive safety and performance studies where reliability and resilience are critical. Simulate complete behavior of structures to create confidence in designs that are safer and more cost-effective than those merely analyzed to meet prescribed code standards.

Recommended Software